Felt Fedora

Felt Fedora

Just a short post today. I am still getting ready for the show this weekend. I finally got the fedora with feathers done. I felted the shape of 2 flowers right into it and made one separate to sew on.

fedora befor sewing

I sewed around the felted in ones to give the some definitions. I sewed  veins on the separate one and attached it.  I am not sure if it shouldn’t have something at the bottom of the feather. I am just not sure what.

fedora with leaf

Now back to felting soap and sewing on buttons.

21 thoughts on “Felt Fedora

  1. Very smart, and a nice shape. If you want to add something at the bottom, how about a band? Perhaps a couple of small real feathers, and/or a small, bright, hat pin for contrast?

    1. Thanks you. I was thinking a band as well. I think that’s the usual thing to do. now to go searching through the odds and ends to see if I have something or will have to make one.

  2. That’s really nice, Ann! Judith’s ideas are good. And don’t you sell flower brooches? You could do a smaller one or hat pin version that could accompany the hat.

  3. oh this is beautiful! i have a hat form and have been meaning to make hats for ages!
    i think a simple silver button or buckle at the bottom of the flower would really set it of a treat, but that’s just me 😉

  4. Do you have a pretty brass button, maybe antique to add to the bottom perhaps with a small fluff of feathers? That would set it off nice. I too would like to know if you used a hat form. I free form mine but it is hard to get that nice rounded ridge on the top. Any hint that you could share?

  5. Terrific hat, Ann! I like Judith’s idea of adding a hat band. If the felted feather and hat band were removable, you could achieve a variety of looks with one hat…like adding a flower, a pin, real feathers. Hope the fair goes well for you!

  6. Great hat Ann! I love the color combination and looks like you have great suggestions for adding that final touch. Hope the sale goes well for you.

  7. Nice hat, Ann! Love the color. Any of the suggestions for extra elements are good. Thanks for the link for the hat form.

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