Registration Opens for Hanging Felted Spiral Online Class

Registration Opens for Hanging Felted Spiral Online Class

Helene is teaching another session of her Hanging Felted Spiral online class and you can register now.

This is a four week online course and you don’t have to be present at any certain time. You will have access to videos and Helene’s support throughout the four weeks and will be able to download the PDF’s for future reference.


Have you wanted to learn more about sculptural felt? This is a great way to learn about how to layout fiber for more elasticity, how to use a book resist with multiple “leaves” and Helene’s ideas on how to further these ideas into future projects.

Here are a few of Helene’s students own spirals. Aren’t they fantastic out in nature?

Jump into spring and learn to make a spiral with Helene. Online class starts on April 12th. Learn more about the class and register here.

10 thoughts on “Registration Opens for Hanging Felted Spiral Online Class

  1. Anyone wanting to learn something new….go for it. Helène is a great tutor and if you follow her instructions you’ll have a lovely piece of work at the end – a fascinating swirling spiral.
    Good luck.

    1. Thanks so much Antje. Only getting to sit down now and read through the posts. What started with hospital visits to E’s aunt ended up with the man himself getting covid (I suspect from A & E). Looking forward to starting the new session and meeting more lovely students! Hx

    1. They are Regina-Mary, Past students who live in warmer climates have left theirs outside for most of the year. I love watching mine on a warm summer day spinning in the sun. A bit of a rarity in Ireland but as the saying goes ‘what is seldom is wonderful’! Helene x

  2. This spiral is a very clever design! I think it would look really effective if you were to hand sew a few beads or sequins on to catch the light as it spins.

    1. Thank you Karen! It is a fun design. Some of my past students have added crystals too. The joy of it is that it can be personalised so that each spiral is unique!
      Helene x

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