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Tag: textural felt

Throwback Post – Texture

Throwback Post – Texture

We were talking about doing some ‘throwback’ posts this year, and while I was giving the site a bit of a tidy-up and adding a new 3D page over the New Year, I came across this one of mine from September 2014, and thought it’d be a good one to start with. Do you ever revisit your old work and get inspired with new ideas?

A while ago I bought a weird fluffy, knitted, tubular scarf from Poundland to try felting with. If you ever buy one, make sure you cut it over a bucket or newspaper or something to catch all the bits! I laid out a couple of layers of very wispy pink Merino tops left over from a book cover I made last year, then I added the piece of scarf, and 2 more wispy layers of wool tops. It didn’t take long to felt. This is one side of it:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is the other side:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd this is what it looked like holding it up to the sky:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI don’t remember how long after, but I decided the scarf sampler might make a nice sculptural piece similar to one I’d made before. I didn’t make it in exactly the same way, I concertina’d it and stitched in place, then twisted and felted and fulled more. This is the top:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAClose up of the ridges:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASuper close up of the texture:


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA close up of the back:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd a super close up of the texture:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANow, what do I do with the other 8 square feet of fluffy knitted stuff? 🙂

Using Resists

Using Resists

I mentioned in my last post that we’d started playing with resists at the well-being centre recently, I showed the piece I’d made using strips and said we’d used flat resists for pouches. This is the one I made, though we all made fairly similar ones:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd this is the back:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALast week, we used flat resists to make 3D vessels, or at least mostly make, as some of us ran out of time! This is an action shot of Louise, fulling hers:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStill working on it, but it wasn’t far off being done, and this wasn’t much over an hour after starting:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt looked a lot nicer, but we’re in a basement with yellowy ceiling lights. I had to finish mine off when I got home:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStopping and starting and nattering, and probably general lack of concentration meant my inner two layers of Cheviot were separate from the locks and top two layers of Merino around the top a little bit:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI thought this week, we might do something sculptural, maybe something like this shell shaped piece:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOr maybe something more ‘abstract’ and textural, like this:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI mentioned in the comments to my last post that we’re running out of dyed Merino, the group who originally bought the supplies have moved on to a different centre so we’re going to have to come up with fundraising ideas soon, but for now The Felting and Fiber Studio are our new ‘sponsors’, so I’m going to do a stock-check tomorrow then order some lovely new colours 🙂

If you have any suggestions for future themes for us to explore, post them in the comments 🙂



A while ago I bought a weird fluffy, knitted, tubular scarf from Poundland to try felting with. If you ever buy one, make sure you cut it over a bucket or newspaper or something to catch all the bits! I laid out a couple of layers of very wispy pink Merino tops left over from a book cover I made last year, then I added the piece of scarf, and 2 more wispy layers of wool tops. It didn’t take long to felt. This is one side of it:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is the other side:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd this is what it looked like holding it up to the sky:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI don’t remember how long after, but I decided the scarf sampler might make a nice sculptural piece similar to one I’d made before. I didn’t make it in exactly the same way, I concertina’d it and stitched in place, then twisted and felted and fulled more. This is the top:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAClose up of the ridges:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASuper close up of the texture:


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA close up of the back:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd a super close up of the texture:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANow, what do I do with the other 8 square feet of fluffy knitted stuff? 🙂