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Tag: felting with resists

Felted Case

Felted Case

This week, I made a case for my best friend’s birthday. I made it all in one piece using a resist. I laid out a piece of silk on the resist first so that the back inside had a nice pattern, I also thought this would help strengthen the flap so it doesn’t stretch if it’s opened often. This is the front with the flap open:

And the back with the flap open:

This is how it looked with the flap closed:

I used some dyed silk throwster’s waste and dyed soy staple for the embellishments:

The silk has a paisley design on it, which can still be seen, but close up you can’t tell with the texture:

I always have trouble choosing buttons for cases/purses etc. I’m sure I said this last time, but I really need to make some more buttons out of polymer clay. I bought a bag of green buttons at a hobby fair about a year ago, I thought this one was quite nice, but a bit small:

I liked this ‘fancy’ button, but it’s a bit big and too thick:

This was my favourite and what I ended up using:

I blanket stitched around the button hole and around the opening/flap, but didn’t get chance to photograph it finished. My friend loves it and he’s already using it 🙂

Various Vessels

Various Vessels

I mentioned in the blog post before last that we’ve started working with resists at the well being centre. After our first piece using strips to cut make channels and cut flaps, we moved onto 3D. Our next piece was using just a flat resist to make a simple case, either with or without a flap. I chose to do mine without a flap, because I wanted to finish it off at home and shape it differently over a bottle. I shaped it over a Lucozade bottle so it would fit perfectly:

The week after we moved onto bowls using a flat, round resist. After we’d done our final layer we added some carded Bluefaced Leicester and a few locks. Somehow our balloons for shaping had vanished so we took them home to finish off. I really liked the shape of mine, it was really texturey. It still had a bit of a ridge around the middle, but I decided to just leave it because a previous vessel I’d liked the bumpy shape of lost it went I worked on it a bit more and put absorbent cloths in. The vessel is still wet in these photos. This is the bottom:

One side:

The other side:

BFL Texture:

One of the weeks, there was just a couple of us and none of the new members so we made slightly more ‘advanced’ vessels. I used a resist that I usually use for birdpods, but shaped it for a vessel:

The top had an interesting shape where I’d cut it open, I thought about neatening it, but liked the curves:

I fulled it a lot and got some nice migration from the yellow inside. It looks a completely different shape from this angle too:

I rarely take photos at the well being classes, the room has a strange orangey light, and I generally just forget! We had another new member so we’re making soft wispy pieces again, and opposite me, our previous new member is making a more advanced vessel with very little instruction. I hope she brings it in next week, it was a great cylindrical shape by the time we finished, but needed more work at home:

Using Resists

Using Resists

I mentioned in my last post that we’d started playing with resists at the well-being centre recently, I showed the piece I’d made using strips and said we’d used flat resists for pouches. This is the one I made, though we all made fairly similar ones:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd this is the back:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALast week, we used flat resists to make 3D vessels, or at least mostly make, as some of us ran out of time! This is an action shot of Louise, fulling hers:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStill working on it, but it wasn’t far off being done, and this wasn’t much over an hour after starting:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt looked a lot nicer, but we’re in a basement with yellowy ceiling lights. I had to finish mine off when I got home:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStopping and starting and nattering, and probably general lack of concentration meant my inner two layers of Cheviot were separate from the locks and top two layers of Merino around the top a little bit:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI thought this week, we might do something sculptural, maybe something like this shell shaped piece:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOr maybe something more ‘abstract’ and textural, like this:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI mentioned in the comments to my last post that we’re running out of dyed Merino, the group who originally bought the supplies have moved on to a different centre so we’re going to have to come up with fundraising ideas soon, but for now The Felting and Fiber Studio are our new ‘sponsors’, so I’m going to do a stock-check tomorrow then order some lovely new colours 🙂

If you have any suggestions for future themes for us to explore, post them in the comments 🙂

More Nuno and Resists

More Nuno and Resists

These are the last of my recent nuno felt pieces (I think!). I’ve shown small strips of these fabrics before on smaller pieces.  I showed the unusual scarf I used on this first one, a couple of months ago. I liked how the ample strips looked and the larger piece turned out really nice too:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve no idea what the loose yellowy golden fibres are trapped between the layers, they do look a lot like soy top, here’s a closer look at the texture:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI used a piece of linen scarf on this next piece. I was surprised to see it say linen on the label, I thought it was viscose by the look of it. I showed a sample piece of this earlier this year too.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAnd a super close up:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe’ve started playing with resists at the well-being centre recently. The first week, we used strips to make flaps/channels. This was the piece I made, it’s Merino with natural viscose fibre and dyed viscose fibre embellishments:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe played around with the pieces afterwards, shaping them to visualise other ways of using resists. This is mine in a tube/cylider shape:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe used a flat resist to make flat cases/pouches last week and next week we’re going to use flat reists for 3D felt.