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Tag: felted hat class

Happy Felt Hat Makers

Happy Felt Hat Makers

Just after I took my Moy MacKay class I taught a felt hat class to 6 enthusiastic students. they wanted different styles but they all wanted folds in the top.

and decorating, I am sure I took more pictures at this point but something went wrong because they are not on my phone.

Then there was rubbing and rolling to do.

Here they are after some shrinking but not there yet.

The did shrink much to everyone’s amazement. I don’t think they really believed they would ever fit.

These brims on these 2 wide brimmed hats are to heavy to hold themselves up while wet. They will be fine once they are dry.

I didn’t get a picture of the last one but it turned out well too. It was a really fun day for everyone.



Spiked Hat Class

Spiked Hat Class

Last month I taught the spiked hat class at the Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild. I had 6 wonderful students. Some did hats with brims and some did hats with folded up bottoms. As usual I did not take as many pictures as I should.



hat-2 hat-2-rolling


Notice how she is putting dots on the inside of the hat so they will show later on the outside.


And lastly the finished hats. one person did not get the spiral for the spike to warp around in finished in class. I offered to stay but she said she would do it at home. I would like to see a finished picture of it. the paten around it was quite nice.

group-shot group-shot-2

Everyone liked making their spikes and learning how to attach them and then shaping in the swirl for it to lay in.  The spick does need to be tacked in place so it stays put or when you bend over it falls out. All in all a good class.


Felting soap and a Hat Class

Felting soap and a Hat Class

With the arrival of fall I don’t seem to have much time to felt. Today I have to make some felted Soap for the museum store. I thought I would show you how I do it. I do it  little differently then Leonor Calaca  showed you in September. felting-soap Please remember there is no one right way so you will probably find other ways to do it on line too.  They are all good.  

Here everything is ready to start. these are my bins of small amounts.


I wrap wool around the sides and then around the whole thing. The green was a small piece of a batt I had and the red is combed top.

wrap-one-way wrap-the-other-waywrap-the-other-way-2

Than I wrap either a thin piece of wool top or a piece of silk hanky

wrap-the-other-way wrap-some-thin-roving wrap-some-thin-roving-2

Then into a piece on nylon to hold it all together. I make up a bunch and then take them to the living room so I can watch TV while doing the felting.

place-in-nylon soap-pile


Once its felted I put it on a cake drying wrack to dry. I am afraid I only gat as far as the pile above and then my grandchildren showed up for an unexpected visit. So here is a picture of some I did another time, drying.

felted soap

The other thing I wanted to do was remind everyone , especially the people that missed the last one that Terry Berry is doing another Concertina hat class on November 4. Everyone in the last class had a great time. Here is the link to the class. Felted-concertina-hat-with-teri-berry and her is the link to some of the hats people made in class. felted-concertina-hat-gallery

Felted Concertina Hat by Teri Berry