Working on my Tapestry Piece

Working on my Tapestry Piece

The guild I belong to is 75 years old this year. One thing we are doing to celebrate is a group tapestry. We have a picture of our Parlement Buildings in the autumn, divided it into 24 pieces and 24 members are doing one square each, in whatever technique they would like. The picture is heavily pixelated to blur it and make it easy for people to use different techniques.

They are due March 4 2024. I thought I better get started. I am the one organising it so I shouldn’t be late with my piece. I should credit Jan Scott here, it was her idea. I also have to credit her with great cunning as I am not sure how I ended up being the organiser.

Anyway, this is the square I have. It is off to the side of the picture. Because I have put off doing it, I was wondering why I didn’t pick just sky or trees for myself.

pixelated picture of sky and leaves

I had to go look to figure out what the dark piece sticking up was. I thought it might be a statue but seemed too tall.  It is a pointed crenelation on the west block of the parliament. The building is hidden by trees and the angle of the shot. The pixelation and then enlarging added a white pixel where there shouldn’t be one.

I wanted to wet felt and nuno felt a piece so I started with some prefelt. A thicker piece of white with orange-yellow for the sky and green for the trees to start, then added some fibres

felt background with some loose fibres on top.

I realised this was going to end up too big so I moved everything in, then added the silk for foliage. I want them to have texture. I had to root through 3 large bins and a small bin to get all the colours I wanted. I do not know why no matter how much fabric you have it’s never the colour you need. I wet the background first and I wet the silk before putting it down. Wet silk stays where and how you put it.


wet felt background and wet silk scrunched up on top

This is what it looked like when I quit for dinner and the next morning dry. Everything looks so much darker when it’s wet.

wet and nuno felt progress.   wet and nuno felt progression, dry


The next morning I rinsed the soap out with hot water and started some hard fulling to get it shrunk to the right size.

felt rolled up in plastic, ready to full

ready for cutting

finished felt ready to cut

And finally the cutting. You can sort of see how much it shrank. The whole piece started out the same size as the red mat. the cut pic is 6.6 inches (16.75 cm) long and 6  inches (15.24 cm) high.

felt tapestry piece cut to size

and the picture and the piece side by side. You can see one section of double layer silk didn’t stick down so I will fix that with a needle. I need to add in the crenellation as well with a needle.

With any luck by my next post, I should have it done.

And to lift everyone’s spirits and as proof spring will come here are early (sneaky ram) lambs born just a few days ago on a lovely warm and sunny day. they are not great pictures but the moms were sure I was a secret axe murderer or perhaps a wolf in people clothing and the lambs pick up on that and no one will give you a decent pose. and then add a very scary phone camera and there really is no hope. Good thing they are cute anyway.

2 black lambs with their mom 1 black lamb and 1 white lamb with their mom


20 thoughts on “Working on my Tapestry Piece

  1. It’s looking very promising, Ann! Looking forward to seeing the crenelation, but I’ll admit my crafting eyes only see the shape of a mannequin 😀

    As for the lambs, they are adorable as always. Once they realise you’re not a wolf in human form, we’ll all expect more closeup pictures!

    1. Thanks. I think it is looking good. Hopefully I can finish is in the next few days in case I hate it when done and have to make another.
      I will trey to get some better pictures. I may make my son or hubby pick them up for their close up

  2. This project looks as if it’s going to be fantastic Ann. What type of silk were you using for the nuno section? It looks really effective.
    Looking forward to the next stage.

    1. I’ve always thought habotai was too difficult to nuno, or at least much too time consuming and half the time I’ve tried it it only “took” in a few places. Chiffon or organza is my go to fine fabric, it shows how lazy I am!

  3. Super to see your process and I love the result to far. I need to be more adventurous and I appreciate your example. It will be fun to see the last steps.

  4. The nuno is really effective for the foliage. I have to keep that idea in mind for a future piece 🙂 I hope you will share the full piece when it’s all together.

    I always love seeing the lambs in springtime. And mid February seems a bit early but it seems you always have early ones.

    1. Thanks Ruth. scrunching up the silk first really works well. It works with cotton gauze too. I will show it to you when it’s all put together.

      Yes, there are always some early lambs. At lease it was during a few warm days and not during a cold snap.

  5. Oh I love your progress on the tapestry. So exciting to see all the pieces being worked on – I can’t wait to see them come together. But what I’m truly excited about is your lambs! So cute!!

  6. What a good start on your piece of tapestry! I can’t wait to see the progress on your next post. I am amazed by the magic of felting, those bits of wool and prefelt and scraps of silk did not look like anything at all at the beginning, but look at them now!
    The lambs are sure show-steeling, though ☺️

  7. What a great idea to have 24 members working on the one piece – the resulting piece should be fab!
    Would like to see your piece finished as it’s already looking lovely.

    Gorgeous photos of your sheep and lambs – what a cute look you got from mum in the second photo!

  8. It looks fabulous, I think the colour palette is brilliant too. I’m amazed by how much it has shrunk. Really looking forward to seeing the completed work at some time.
    Such cute lambs.

  9. What a great project to be a part of and I do like your use of silk for texture. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished pieces put together.
    Thanks for the photos of your lambs Ann… cute overload as always!

  10. What a clever idea for a group project Ann. Well done Jan! She certainly knows you so well and how great you are at co-ordinating Ann. Your piece is coming along beautifully and I am excited to see the next stage and the whole piece.
    Lovely photos of the little lambs and their mammies. So positive to finally see evidence of spring.
    Helene x

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