Felted Iris Flowers Part 2.1

Felted Iris Flowers Part 2.1

(Felting in adversity)

My plans for this post were to tell you about making the leaves, touching up the upper petals and adding the beard to the lower ones then maybe even showing you the final assembly of the iris flower.

Well, that plan went out the window with the arrival of the GIANT storm that hit Ottawa. We had the sky turn black, high winds and hail followed by a sudden lack of power. The storm was not too long in duration but the aftermath was impressive. We were fine but around us there were trees down and one even smote a bus!! (What rude thing did the bus say to the storm?  Only the driver was on the bus and was not hurt.)

1-2 Three houses away is the transit-way where the bus and tree had an altercation.


This was the cherry tree across the street and 3 house down. A lot of its small branches were in my driveway.

4 (5 houses away) two houses down the side street from the cherry tree this huge tree twisted and dropped on the house.

After the storm we had no power for 6 days. The house seemed quite dark even in daylight. I tried to work at my computer desk for the few hours in the afternoon that it had direct sunlight. This did not give a long window for felting so I focused on garden spring cleanup and setting up the outside studio!

5-6  Afternoon felting at the woefully dead computer(no power is no fun for electronics)

I lay down the base and added the wire and highlight greens for the Iris leaves.

I had two ways to check for thin spots, the first was by feel (Palpation) and the second was by looking through the leaf toward the window. Both worked well to give a more consistent thickness to the leaf.

7 Looking for thin spots by using the window light

After a couple of days of no power, I had finished 3 audio books and my iPod was almost out of power!  There was an electronic charging station not too far away but parts of the roads were still closed some from fallen trees and some from construction. So plan B was lets listen to the news in the car and charge the iPod and my (again dead) phone at the same time. Humm…. I wonder if I can felt in the car….

8 My KIA Soul survived the storm with only a few new decorative leaves stuck to it. (We were very lucky!)

9-11 that would be a yes to felting on the steering wheel (No I was not driving! Just sitting in the driveway).

I don’t think this will catch on as a great felting location, at least not on the driver’s side of the car. I also learned, from the radio, that the power company expected to have most of the houses without power back on within 2 to 4 days and a few more days for difficult locations (with fingers crossed I whispered “please don’t be a difficult house!!”).

I quickly discovered another problem in this lack of power. All my reference photos were on the computer!! No problem, go check the peach iris in the backyard……oh there is bud damage and there still in bud! (no flowers to look at as reference!) OK, no problem keep working on the leaves!

12 Iris with dub damage.

On the positive side the lilac are in full bloom and smell heavenly!

13 pink Japanese lilac

The next day is gray, overcast and Rain, lots of rain (no! I do not want to do wet felting!) so I have to wet-poof my outside studio. 3 clear plastic table cloths, 1 pack of blue plastic close pegs, a pair of scissors and the broken umbrella I hoped we mite be able to fix and I had a reasonably drip poof work area! (no wet felting for me today),not that there is anything wrong with wet felting I just was enjoying dry felting and was trying to prolong the enjoyment.

14 Outside studio partly wet proof, I found another drip and added the third sheet of plastic.

15 third piece of plastic did the trick and the drip is averted!

16 Yes, it’s still raining but I am working on Iris leaves in drip-proof happiness.

17 making thin firm felt by needle felting in not fast but I am vary happy with the Thin aspect of the leaves!

I got this far and it was time to go pull books for the guilds next library day (which will be the day this is posted.)

18 the OVWSG studio where the guilds library is. (Ruth’s Book is one of the ones that will be going out this month! It’s a fabulous resource thanks Ruth!!!) all the requested books have been pulled and the library is ready for Sunday.

I am just back and have been busy at our first Guild demo since covid hit. But I will tell you about that and hopefully finishing this Iris project next week. Have fun and keep felting.


11 thoughts on “Felted Iris Flowers Part 2.1

  1. Having no power is frustrating – until it’s gone we don’t fully appreciate how much we rely on it!

    The leaves are coming on well – iris leaves are big aren’t they? – and the new pad must be ok because you’re still using it.

    Looking forward to reading about your first demo since covid restrictions.

    1. we were not too badly set up for no power, we have all the medieval campping /cooking stuff. i just had never used a cast iron duch oven on the barbiqu before. i was suprized at how the office was light but not bright without power. we even had extra batterys for the flashlights but all the stores that were open were out of them so i was still using them sparingly.

      i am enjoying both the firmer (white) and softer (grey) wool pads. they will likly last longer than the pool noodle foam nealing pads. but the pool noodle neeling pads are ligher and a better size for working on slightly bigger pictures so i will likely use both types depending on what i am doing or where i am going.

      Yes the iris have long thin tappering leaves, sometimes strate some times not.

      the demo was fun and we met spinners originaly from other contrys! lots of fun! i am looking forword to showing you! (unless Bernadette shows you first!)

  2. Thank heavens you came through the storm mostly unscathed. The power of nature can be really frightening – no control, you just have to hunker down and take what’s coming. So far the weather here (UK) has been nice to us for the Jubilee weekend, especially the Party at the Palace last night. Did you see the Queen having tea with Paddington Bear? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-61692278 – here’s the link. After 70 years of concealing her real feelings when meeting “important” people, she makes a good actress. Unfortunately it looks as if some of the street parties today might get a bit damp.
    Looking forward to your next instalment.

  3. Ann we were very lucky, that storm was extremly distructive but in small spots all through the city. about 5 minits up the main road nearest us a large chunk of woods, old pines went down. it was very distructive. we were very luck.
    Thankyou for the link! the Queen is a great actress! she seem to have a good sence of humor. i will try to catch up on the festivities after i get back from the guild library today! i spoted crochet yarn bombing of a postal box with the Queen and her corgies!! Fabulous!!! i hope the weather will cooperate and there are lots of parties!!!

  4. Glad you made it through the storm safely Jan. It is always random, it seems, on what gets damaged and what doesn’t in that type of storm. We were out of power a couple of years ago in January for 4 days. It got really cold in the house. But now we have a super duper generator that we haven’t had to use, but we have it now and can attach it to the house with a special switch installed by the power company. So we’re prepared for the next outage. It will probably be twenty years from now 😉

    Your iris leaves are looking fantastic. Are you going to put the finished iris under glass or in a pot or…?

  5. I am delighted to see that you and yours came through that awful storm unscathed Jan. It must have been very frightening, especially to anyone driving (including the lucky bus driver) at the time. All credit to you for your creativity and perseverance in finding ways to continue felting. The leaves are looking great. Our Iris’s came into bloom last week and I was thinking of you.

  6. ‘Keep calm & carry on felting”. Top marks for felting resilience. The leaves are developing well & I’m looking forward to seeing the finished iris.

  7. Oh Jan, this whole storm ordeal sounds scary! I’m glad you went through it all unscathed. I’m also very glad you were resilient and found alternative activities and locations for felting 🙂 Can’t wait to see how the irises will look once finished, and I’m sure you’ll have lots of memories to go along them every time you look at them!

  8. So glad you came through unscathed Jan, so, so scary.
    Looking forward to seeing your finished iris which will, for evermore, be attached to a long after dinner story.

  9. Great job on the iris leaves Jan. when I saw them in person on Sunday I was amazed at how thin and smooth you had them and they hadn’t even been ironed yet. I am looking forward to them all put together.

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