Autumn Nuno Slow Stitch Update

Autumn Nuno Slow Stitch Update

It’s amazing how my slow stitch project is moving along and almost complete. Twenty to thirty minutes of stitching per day definitely works for me and even though I have been working on this project for a long time, it has been a fulfilling project. I have enjoyed seeing the piece slowly fill in with thousands of stitches.

Here’s where I was the last time I showed you the piece in mid June.

I added a lot of foreground stitching. The bit on the top left shown here is still a little pale for me. It jumps forward in front of the foreground bush in my eye. So there will be a little more stitching there.


I added some running stitch in the distant trees with a “grey” thread. It leans very heavily to purple but really works well to give these tree trunks a bit more definition and to move them further into the distance.

Here is where I am now. It’s getting very close to finished. A few more areas of darkness perhaps. Lindsay asked me a while ago how I decide when it’s finished. What I do with a piece like this is to get to the point where I think it might be finished and then I hang it up on the wall in my studio so I can study it. I look at the piece from different distances and different angles. I give it some time to “rest” and then I add what I think is still needed based on the assessment I have done. Or I pronounce that it’s finished. What do you think?

23 thoughts on “Autumn Nuno Slow Stitch Update

  1. I absolutely love this piece, Ruth. It has a beautiful depth and flow and such a lovely autumnal feel that I can almost smell the woods. The grey stitching on the tree trunks works perfectly and complements the brighter tree section which is, for me, the visual highlight.

    I think only you can decide when you’ve achieved what you want but I think it’s beautiful. I would certainly buy it (assuming I had the funds!).

    1. Thanks Lindsay, I do agree the grey stitching in the far trees makes the foreground trees more dominant. As for the price, it would be really high if I based it on time stitching. I haven’t decided on the price yet.

  2. This has so much work in it that it may become an heirloom piece? It’s wonderful.

    It is difficult to know when to stop – overworking a piece can spoil it (ask me how I know). I think putting it away for a couple of months then looking at it with fresh eyes can help.

    1. Thanks Lyn, I will probably sell it but we’ll see. As for overworking, I am close so only minimal stitching to go.

  3. I really like this Ruth, I don’t think you’ve much more to do. Hanging it up between “bouts” works for me too, I usually list what I think still needs doing so that when I go back to a piece (usually weekly) I’m reminded what to do.
    I think Lyn’s suggestion of not looking at it for some time and then going back to look again with fresh eyes is a good idea.

    1. Thanks Ann, I am going to leave it for a while and look with fresh eyes later. But it is nearly finished for sure.

  4. It’s turned out fabulously! Love the progression! I was looking and trying to see where the birch trees in the lower right foreground came from but I think these must be the long stitch in grey thread you were referring to. It really does look amazing!

  5. This piece is doing great. I’ve really like watching it progress. I look forward to it finished but I hope you show us the start and finish pictures so we can see the difference.

    1. Thanks Ann, I am glad you have enjoyed the progression. I will definitely show before and after photos when it’s finished.

  6. Ruth you have spent soooo many hours to create your ‘almost there’ work….it is beautiful.
    I love how the trees are echoed front & back & adding the running stitches reinforces the impression. Moody & autumnal.

    I, like others here, have to leave a piece of work & look at it with fresh eyes to determine what or if something is still needed. Sometimes if I happen across what was a ‘finished’ piece from years before….I still see something else I would do. I don’t think ‘art’ is ever finished….but that’s a whole other discussion.

    Having spent regular time on it, I’m sure you will actually miss holding and working on your piece.

    1. Thanks Antje, I will perhaps miss it, but I am sure I will find a new hand stitch project to take it’s place. And I am taking a break from it now so we’ll see if it needs anything else 😊.

  7. This is a feast for the eyes Ruth. It’s so tactile and just gorgeous. My words don’t do it justice.

    I like your method of decision making on when to stop working on a piece. That’s something I will definitely try.

    1. Thanks Helene, the texture does make people want to touch it. Deciding when a piece is finished is a process, I hope you try it and see what you think.

    1. Thank you! All of the texture is created with seed stitches. Many tiny stitches with a variety of thread color, stitched on a hand dyed nuno felted background. The foreground trees have detached chain stitch leaves but everything else is seed stitch.

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