Giveaway Winner and Some Photos

Giveaway Winner and Some Photos

Thanks a lot to everyone who entered the giveaway last week, and thanks for all the really nice comments. The winner of The Right Fibre e-book is balexa75. Congratulations! I’ll send a link to the email address you used to comment so you can download the book.

balexaI made a few pieces of fibrey, textured felt recently, and got a bit carried away taking photos of them, so I thought I’d just share some of the photos with you today.


15 thoughts on “Giveaway Winner and Some Photos

  1. Congratulations balexa75!

    Nice colors and textures Zed! Are they flat pieces or vessels?

    1. Thanks, Marilyn 🙂
      They’re not vessels, but they’re not flat. They’re ridged a diamond shaped, similar to the piece I made a few weeks ago, I sew and concertina those scruffy tassley pieces, then felt/full more, then unpick the sewing and add a loop for hanging.

    1. They are basically just colourful, texturey, shiney decorative things with a loop for hanging 🙂 Yeah, lots of fibres, synthetic yarns, some nylon fibres, and lots of viscose and silk.

    1. Thanks, Lyn 🙂
      If they don’t sell, I might just sew them together and make something large and strange!

    1. Thanks, Ann 🙂
      I had a red one, but it just looked like fresh meat in the photos!!

    1. Thanks, Ruth 🙂
      I hoped a few people at the recent fair would have thought that too, but they all came back home with me.

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