Some Fall Colour to Inspire You

Some Fall Colour to Inspire You

Fall is here and the trees are turning colour and the fall bl00ms are out.

This is the View I have every morning on my way to work


The rest of the pictures I will do mostly smaller so as not to overwhelm peoples computers. If you click on them they will open larger.

fall-1 fall-2 fall-3 fall-4 fall-5 fall-6 fall-12 fall-13 fall-14  This one you will need to enlarge to see. It is one of the Maples that is such a dark green it looks black. Now it is a really dark purple.

And now for the fall blooms. I do not know what most of them are. Perhaps Frances will see this and help us out.

fall-9 fall-10

These are wild sunflowers I am told. You have to beat them back several times a year to keep them under control. In the background is the same flower as on the right, Michaelmas daisies.

fall-18 fall-16

I am sure these are just different colours of the same flower and blow is sedum. Apparently it is tasty because the sheep eat mine this year.


I left this one big so you could see the bumble bee.


The apples looked so nice against the blue of the sky I had to include them. Lastly I have a few crazy violets blooming. I have no idea what the white flowers are.


Are the fall colours starting where you are? In the southern hemisphere I think the spring flowers must be starting. I hope my fall colours inspire you in your work this month. Fall is my favourite season I think.




24 thoughts on “Some Fall Colour to Inspire You

  1. I never tire of the autumn colours especially when set against the clear blue skies we have a lot of at this time of year. The flowers with the bee on are fantastic!
    I have been inspired to make something autumnal – if it works out I’ll show it.

  2. We’re just starting to turn here in the cornfields outside Chicago. The corn is done and many of the weeds, but the trees are just starting. Thanks for the inspiring photos.

  3. Great photos Ann! We have been having fall colors for quite a while now. It’s been pretty cold here already. The flowers with the bee are Gaillardia, I have those in my beds too. I love the colors of fall and kicking fallen leaves, takes me back to childhood days walking home from school. 🙂

  4. Wonderful pics!! That blush of autumn colour on the trees is just magic – what gorgeous scenery to greet you every day. The wildflower season here in Western Australia’s desert is just coming to a close, so it’s really beautiful to see the blooms and autumnal colours on the otherside of the world!

  5. Great photos, Ann 🙂
    The proper colour changes haven’t really started this far North yet, but I was thinking the same as Lyn, the blue of the sky always seems to set off the reds, oranges and yellows so perfectly. It only started to get cold this week too, so lots of late flowers here aswell.

    1. Thanks, You are too funny with cold. Your cold is my warm. LOL we are having a heat wave this week it’s been up to 24c in the afternoon, down to about 10 overnight.

    2. I’d call 24C a heatwave! It’s been cold some mornings/overnight down to 4c, but we had it in the late 20’s upto very recently and only started to get cold enough to not wear shorts. Maybe I should have said colder 🙂

    3. What I hate is how it can be so cold in the morning, then really warm to hot in the afternoon, then freezing again as soon as the sun goes down. If you go out for more than 2 hours you either freeze or swealter!

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