More Bits

More Bits

This week I did a few things. I put hang tags and price stickers on all the dryer balls, bags, soap and ruffle neck scarves that go to the Log Farm for sale. At shows I usually just use signs when I have groups of things that are all the same price. I delivered those and almost immediately got a call from the Museum store saying they needed more soap and dryer balls.  Yesterday I made up the dryer balls and popped them into the washer today.

I would show you what they look like done but my dryer died. Thats a job for tomorrow now.

I did however get some soap felted.

The other thing I got started on Friday(I think) was some slippers for samples for a class I have on Dec 1. I didn’t have a sample of the ear template style.

I only got as far as laying out.

They will also be a sample of Finnish wool. We use Corriedale for the class. Its a good felter without being to fine like merino and it comes in lots of colours. People seem to want colour. This will show them what another kind of wool felts up like.

That was my week. I hope you managed some felting done too.


14 thoughts on “More Bits

  1. As you already have snow, it’s not a good time for your dryer to give you notice is it?
    It’s nice to know that your felted items are selling and that you’re getting repeat orders!
    Please show the sample slippers when they’re done.

  2. You certainly achieved a lot. And repeat orders….great. Hope you resolve the dryer problem fast.
    I too would like to see your finished slippers, also your dryer balls.

    1. Thanks repeats are great. I put them in hose so I can make up a lot of them at once and then because it makes it easier to keep the wool all together when you first wet it. I wrapped up all the soap in my studio then go back to the house and watch TV while I do the felting. No washing machine other than me.

  3. Looks like you’re staying busy. Sorry to hear about your dryer. How many hours is your slipper class? I always think slippers take forever since they need to be lots of layers. I would think that students would not have enough time to finish a pair of slippers.

    1. Thanks Ruth. The slipper class is 10-4 with an hour for lunch. they don’t do so much decorating with slippers. A couple of people run a little over sometimes but not usually. I have them do 4 layers each side. I divide the wool into 4 parts and they have to use all the wool in each part for each layer so if they layout thin( like me) they end up with 2 layers in each layer because they go over it twice.

  4. You reminded me I need to get some more tags and labels printed, I wish I could find somewhere to order them and save on printer ink! You also reminded me I need to make more soaps! I don’t have a dryer, so wouldn’t know what the loss felt like, but sorry it broke 🙂 Good luck with the slipper class.

    1. have you thought of making a universal tag and having them printed on business cards? or making a good copy of it and having it printed and cutting it yourself. Or photocopying it. Some places copy pretty cheap.

    2. What’s a universal tag? It’s the cutting out too which I hate doing! I’d love tags with rounded corners. But, I also do like the hand-made look of handmade tags 🙂

    3. I just mean one tag you can use for everything that is the size of a business card. Then have them printed on business cards. Business cards go on sale really cheap here all the time. And they are usually printed on both sides. we have Vistaprint here . do you have them in the UK?

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