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The Final Projects for the Paper Lamination Class

The Final Projects for the Paper Lamination Class

I wasn’t able to finish the coursework for Ruth’s Paper Lamination Class within the class time, but have since completed the last two assignments.  We had a choice of several different options for the last two weeks.  I chose to use one of the lamination pieces on a pillow.  It was a piece of silk habatoi that I used a stencil with acrylic paint on a piece of copy paper.


I made a couple of batts  with gray,  a little green and purple accents over a resist. Then wet felted.  Of course, I had to cut a side to get the resist out and the pillow stuffing in.  While it was drying, it was a nice square shape.  Now its a funky shape.  But that’s ok, the colors go perfectly in my bedroom.


It seemed a little plain so I tried adding prefelt leaves, but I felt they overwhelmed the design.  I was very pleased with the texture and dimension of the flowers and decided not to do any stitching like I had on the bird project.

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So, I decided to  stitch around the silk using a cretan stitch. It was an exercise in patience and practice.  I used a silver sharpie to put a few dots in the center of the flowers as stamens.



Here’s the back with a subtle marbled effect:


Next I made a wall hanging.  Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the organza I painted.   I call it “paintbrush.”  In the closeups you can see the brush  strokes if you look hard.


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I also got some great dimension:

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Here is the back:


Now it is hanging in my kitchen.  Yes, the wall is teal.


I’m very pleased with both projects.

Thanks Ruth for offering the class.  I really enjoyed it.


That Doesn’t Look Like My Old Jeans

That Doesn’t Look Like My Old Jeans

A while back I made a note to myself to make paper from and old pair of jeans.  I wanted to play with some fiber in a different way from felting.

The first thing I did was to cut the fabric into small 3/4″ squares, discarding the seams.  Then I dragged out my old papermaking equipment which includes an ancient blender.

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Using warm water I filled the bender half way, then added a pinch of the squares and ran the blender for 30 seconds or so until the water turned blue.  This was a long process since I couldn’t overload the blender.

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The resulting pulp was strained.  When I had about a quart (1.14 liters) of pulp, I gave the blender a rest.

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The set up for making the paper included a big container of water, a mould, deckle, pellon and blanket sheets. The deckle in black, the screen covered mould on the left.

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Using a handful of pulp, I added it to the water and agitated it. With deckle on top of the mould, I submerged the pair into the water at a 45 degree angle and came out with a pulp filled sheet.  Without going into all the nitty gritty of all the papermaking steps and terms, I couched (pressed) the paper onto a wet pellon sheet and repeated the steps until I had used up all the pulp and had a pile of sheets.

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The next step was to press the paper in my homemade paper press.

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After letting it sit awhile, I gently placed the paper on a white board and used a haki brush to place it on the board to dry.

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Since the blender was old, the fiber didn’t get chopped very fine, but it made an interesting texture and look with the various long fibers running through the paper.

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Like an old pair of well worn jeans, the paper is soft. One side is smooth where the paper dried on the whiteboard, the other is textured.

I could run it through the process again, but I think I’ll try to felt with it before I do.  What would you do with denim paper?