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Tag: making wool batts

Very Pink

Very Pink

My sister got me some wool tops for Christmas. Even before I’d seen the colours, I’d decided I’d make her a book cover from whatever she chose, thinking she’d probably choose her favourites. She chose a selection of pinks, not the colours I would have chosen for her, but pinks it is ๐Ÿ™‚ย  I Picked out some shades I already had that I thought would work, I already had a salmon pink, some cerisey purple, reds, maroons and a nice lemon. Then I started to make some batts with my carder.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAt first I made up some batts without any other fibres blended in, I’ll use these for the bottom layer which will be inside the book cover. I split them in half lengthways after I’d made them, then rolled them up.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is one of the lighter batts before I split it and rolled it.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI used some soy top, viscose, a small amount of banana fibre, black bamboo and dyed silk tops to blend in to make the batts for the top.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI rolled these ones a bit differently

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI picked some fabrics to embellish the surface with, some silk strips, organza, dyed cotton gauze and some synthetic lacey stuff I bought years ago which looks like it might be meant for tying back net curtains. In the 70’s ๐Ÿ™‚

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI picked a few more embellishments too. Some silk throwster’s waste, dyed bamboo fibre, commercial art yarns and fibres taken from unpicked yarns.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ll show you more pictures when I’ve started to make it ๐Ÿ™‚