Felted Jewelery for the First Quarter Challenge 2020

Felted Jewelery for the First Quarter Challenge 2020

This is a guest post by Lyn and Annie who were unable to post today but will be back soon.

Annie decided to make a lariat as she’d never felted one before … she likes a challenge… it’s 350 cm (138′) long!

You can wrap it round and round your neck loosely and you can leave the ends hanging
or tie them or just tuck them in. You can see in the layout close-up below that Annie has used wool fibres, yarns, fabric and threads.

It was quite a work-out to get it all felted bit by bit.

And here it is – still wet from felting.

The close-up below, of the dry lariat, shows the vibrant colours and textures achieved.

Annie was pleased with the lariat but she already has ideas for the next time: it could
have added wrapped threads; tied on fabrics; stitched on beads, both little glass or
bigger felted beads…

Jan needle-felted a beautiful dragonfly for the challenge and that inspired
me to attempt a wet felted dragonfly.

I shaped some dry wool fibres (a mix of merino and corriedale) to form the body then
wet felted it by rolling on a bamboo mat until it was very firm. I also made a small piece
of bright white cobweb felt then stiffened it with a 50/50 mix of PVA and water.

When the cobweb felt was dry, I used a fine marker pen to draw the wings on it – I used
a free clip art picture as a guide – then cut them out. I was disappointed to find that
although I’d used a stiffener, the wings were just a little floppy and actually were far too
delicate to make a brooch.

I spent hours trying to think of a remedy and I attempted to make a frame from very
thin silver beading wire. I won’t go into detail but suffice it to say that my swear box is
very heavy and my floor is littered with bits of wire.

So I rummaged through my stash trying to find an answer and I came across a piece of
thin, clear plastic. Ta Dah! I used clear PVA to stick the wings to it, let it dry, then
carefully cut around the edge. The wings still look delicate but they’re not.

I held the finished dragonfly up to the window, against a cloudy sky, to show the
difference between the solid body and the translucent wings.

It’s not quite finished yet, I need to get a slim brooch pin that I can stitch, or maybe
hot-glue, to the underneath.

There are many simple ways to use felt beads to make jewelery – this hair comb was
easy to make. I gathered together a plain hair comb, a hot glue gun and some mini wet
felted beads.

I made each bead by rolling a few merino wool fibres between my fingers, then when I
had a good bead shape I dipped it in soapy water then hardened it by rolling it firmly on
my kitchen worktop.

I wondered what to write here then decided that the photos say it all.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed this challenge and we’ll be announcing the second quarter challenge on April 2nd.




10 thoughts on “Felted Jewelery for the First Quarter Challenge 2020

  1. Some really lovely makes here. I use Paverpol to stiffen fabric as that is what it was initially made for. Makes it quite hard. I originally used it for paintings, but it sticks my felties onto wood slices nicely also.

  2. These are all great examples of felted jewelry. Annie’s lariat is so colorful and fun. Glad that the wings worked out with the dragonfly, just took perseverance 😉 And the hair comb has really been improved with a few felt beads. I’m looking forward to the next challenge.

  3. Love the lariat is great. I love all the textures. I bet it was a lot of work. I am always impatient when I make snakes for something. It’s not very exciting work. the dragonfly is good too. a good solution. My first thought was paverpol too. I wonder about some of the acrylics the embed things in. Maybe a bit expensive if you only want a little. the hair comb is much better with the little balls. I will have something for the challenge in my next post.

    1. Thank you Ann – we’ll look forward to seeing what you have come up with!

  4. I realy like your Dragonfly wings! and the lariet is intreeging, simple eligent and looks like fun to make! thankyou for sharring this!

    1. Thank you Jan – the inspiration for the dragonfly came from you!

  5. The lariat is a great make….definitely your colours, and it must have taken quite a while to felt the entire 350cm….so much patience!
    Hearing your struggles about your dragonfly, is quietly reassuring. I can definitely visualise & sympathise with you lifting the heavy swear box! Necessity is the mother of invention, it’s amazing what we can find when we need to solve a problem. Probably why we all have so many craft supplies!
    As I wear hair combs everyday you have certainly given me food for thought about dressing them up – thank you.

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