4th Quarter Challenge – Twists

4th Quarter Challenge – Twists

When Zed announced the 4th quarter challenge, I immediately thought of a bit of wool yarn that I spun by hand with a drop spindle ages ago. It has been sitting in my studio for years now and I have never done anything with it. So I hunted around for it, finally finding it on a shelf with some other yarn.

Then I made up some twists using my hand carders and a skewer. I found a batt of natural fiber that I had lying about and was able to make something for the challenge with very little preparation. I’m going by that motto “use stuff up”.

Here’s the layout. There are 5 twists which are fairly fat and the rest is hand spun yarn. My spinning skills are minimal so the yarn is very thick/thin.

And here it is after felting. I think that the twists kind of look like orthoceras fossils. So I am considering adding either hand or machine stitching or both to bring out the fossil appearance more. What would you add to it?

Once I have done some stitching, I will show it to you again.

8 thoughts on “4th Quarter Challenge – Twists

  1. It’s great you were able to use up some of your extras. It’s an interesting piece with the color and texture combinations. I’m sure you’ll enhance it with stitching.

    1. Thanks Marilyn, after looking at the photos, I definitely need to move some of that yellow orange around since it now all seems to be in the middle of the composition.

  2. That looks really cool, Ruth 🙂 Some of the grey tubes I made with fibres to try to get a silver birch effect looked more like fossils to me, too 🙂

  3. These look great. I’ve felted with yarn that varies in thickness and is quite expensive to buy – obviously I need to get a drop spindle and make my own! 🙂 I look forward to seeing the effect of stitching.

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