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Spiked Hat Class

Last month I taught the spiked hat class at the Ottawa Valley Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild. I had 6 wonderful students. Some did hats with brims and some did hats with folded up bottoms. As usual I did not take as many pictures as I should.




Notice how she is putting dots on the inside of the hat so they will show later on the outside.


And lastly the finished hats. one person did not get the spiral for the spike to warp around in finished in class. I offered to stay but she said she would do it at home. I would like to see a finished picture of it. the paten around it was quite nice.

Everyone liked making their spikes and learning how to attach them and then shaping in the swirl for it to lay in.  The spick does need to be tacked in place so it stays put or when you bend over it falls out. All in all a good class.


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