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Getting Ready for the Guild Exhibition and Sale.

I have a show coming up in November and I am not ready yet but I’m working on it. I made 2 hats.  Here I have added the embellishment yarn to one of them  and I am ready to flip it. I have covered the yarn in a very fine layer of wool.

Here I have cut out the resist on the other hat and refolded it to roll the “seam” flat.

Here it is after fulling so show you the shrinkage. It’s a little hard to see the top of the resist but if you look carefully its there

And both ready to be rinsed. While they are still wet I will put folds in the long pointy part and sew them tight so they will dry properly. They are soaking in their rinse water at the moment.

I started a pill box hat

I am teaching a slipper class on the week end but I can’t find my samples so I am making a pair of booty slippers for my grandson, so I can show the class.

I think I will do a sample pair for myself using the ear pattern that Nada showed us

Have you tried any new patterns lately?


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