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The Canada give away winners and my colourscape

First, on this Christmas Eve, I get to announce our Canadian giveaway winners. The numbers were generated by a random number generator.  Congratulations to:

This is very generous! I would like to try spinning art yarns and this would be fun to use.

Susan Ozembloski says:

I live on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada. I would love to win to make some felted soaps and vessels. Thanks for this generous giveaway.


Would love to be surprised with a bundle of fiber. Each fiber tells the weaver what it should become. I’m ready to imagine!

We will contact you for your addresses and mail your wool packages after Christmas.

The other thing I did this week was finishing my 4rth quarter challenge, colourscape.

It took a lot more thinking than I thought. After making a nice Autumn coloured background I traced some leaves onto some dissolvable webbing. First I thought I would free-motion to embroider the leaves but I need more practice. I very slowly did two leaves and switched to hand stitching.  This is not such a big deal for me as I quite enjoy hand stitching. I am not good at just sitting in front of the TV. If I knit I would be all set but I don’t.

pictures with webbing

Once it’s all done just a quick rinse under the tap and all the webbing is gone. The colour is not true. for some reason when I took the paper off the phone lightened the wool and turned my couch from the forest green it is above, to the blue below. I tried to change it in the photo program but nothing helped.

I may zig-zag around it to make it square and then trim off the excess but I am not sure. I may just square it with some matboard. Then it can be changed if I want to.

The other question is should I add the main line up the middle of the leaves? And the several main ones on the maple leaves or leave it as it is? When the webbing was in place I thought I should but now the webbing is gone I don’t think it needs it. The stitching is more subtle now and I like it. What do you think?

And I am editing this in because I forgot to say Happy Holidays to Everyone.

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