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Not Quite What I Planned

If you visit the forum or follow Zara’s blog, you’ll have seen her challenge to ‘felt the elements‘. I was just making my breakfast the other morning when I had this flash of inspiration and knew what I wanted to do! It seemed so simple, yet would look great. My idea was to lay out a couple of layers of scarlet Merino, then add some wisps of yellow. Then I’d get some two-tone red/yellow organza, fold, sew and ruffle, place on top of the Merino, add a resist, then a couple of layers of black Merino. After felting, I’d cut a slit in the black, remove the resist and the organza would spring out, like flames. For an extra touch of genius, I thought I’d slice the black carefully to reveal cracks of red, like burning coals or molten lava. Well, it just looked like black wool with red migration and a red slit! I couldn’t even get any decent photos of the disaster because I was working on a tutorial and my camera battery died. By the time it charged I had the unusual problem of it being too sunny! Here are a few photos, though. This is the organza flames leaping from the slit:

And how the flattened, crumpled organza really looked:

And the sad little embers under burning coals:

I even tried to do another one quickly:

I did make a nice piece of nuno last week though!

Have you had any ‘seemed like a good idea at the time’ moments lately?

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