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Carp Fair Demo

This is the last Demo until spring. the carp Fair was celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. It was a beautiful weekend cool in the morning and hot by mid afternoon.  There were more people their than ever before. We demoed an extra hour. It was alot of fun chatting with everyone that came by

Here is my display, I was making sheep again.

Here is hand spinning on her tiny wheel. I think it’s called a road bug. It’s designed so you can spin sitting in the passenger seat in a van.

This is Julie, She was working on an inkle loom and a 4 harness table loom and

This is Bernadette, she is showing me how to use combs. They are English combs I think.

And last but not least is Linda who is making a tail spun yarn.

We where not the only ones sharing our passions.

There was more to this display but I couldn’t get a good shot with the sun in my lens. All in all I think everyone had a great time.

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