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Guild Show and Sale

Just home form 2 days as a vendor at my guilds annual show and sale. It was a busy weekend. we stayed open late on Saturday night but with it being the first time it wasn’t busy. It did give us time to look at each others things and have some good chats with fellow vendors, so not all bad. It did make for a very long day, 10am to 8 pm. Sunday morning before everyone got there I took some movies of the show so you can see it. They are not grate but I am doing better at moving slower and smoother. I hope you enjoy them.

My both is the second one you see, in the corner.

I don’t seem to have any programs on my computer that edit video. I thought I did but the programs that will show me the video want me to buy and upgrade to be able to do anything with the video. these videos were done with my iPhone What do you use to edit video?


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