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Nuno and Pencil Roving Weaving

I’ve made a couple of camouflage inspired pieces lately. I think it must be one of my favourite ‘themes’, I know I’ve made a camouflage hat and drawstring bag, a shoulder bag, a notebook cover or two, and a felt cuff and coin pouches (I still use that one in the photo, 4 years on). Maybe it’s because I really enjoy doing  felt layouts, choosing all the colours of wool and embellishment pieces. This first one uses some strips from a camouflage patterned silk scarf:

Here’s a close up of one half:

This next piece took a lot longer, it has patches of cotton gauze, the camo silk, cotton scrim, cheesecloth and some muslin Ruth dyed and sent to me:

There’s your piece in the middle, Ruth 🙂 :

I got a small kids’ weaving loom not so long ago, and finally had a go recently. One of the things I tried was pencil roving waste from World of Wool. I’ve tried weaving and felting with it before, but had to do it ‘freestyle’, this was the post about it:  I think it was a bit ‘closer’ using the loom, and I left the edges longer, but it looked pretty much the same really:

Looking at it on an angle:

And close up:

I really like the pencil roving waste, it knits nicely and felts nicely. I’d use it more if I had more colour variety.

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