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Textile Museum

The sale I go to in September is put on by a local Textile museum.  The Mississippi Valley Textile museum. It is in an old textile mill and is more about the manufacture of textiles than the textiles themselves. There changing exhibits tend toward the art of textiles. They had an exhibit by nuno of Japan last year.

When I visited to drop off some thing for the store my hubby went into the permanent exhibit and took some pictures. If I know what something is I have labelled it.

  This ram is the first thing you see when you go in. He is short and long.

This is for testing the strength of wool. I am not sure if it was the fleece fibers or finished yarn.

A large picker. The infeed teeth are flat. My picker is about 1/3 this size of this one but the teeth are pointy

This is 2 shots of the carder. In the second picture you can see the beginnings of a second carder. There were two hooked together. You couldn’t get back far enough to take a picture of the whole thing but you can see it in the diagram below.

This is a little either model or a sample carder.

 A cop winder. A cop is a larger longer package of wool on a metal spool.

 This is an industrial loom. It doesn’t have any treadles but I didn’t see a flying shuttle. Maybe its inside the box.

And some things that I have no idea what they are but they look interesting. I think the first one is a spinning frame and my hubby says the second one is the punch cards on an automatic loom

Lastly a picture of an advertisement that was framed on the wall.

 This mill is where the museum is now housed. The 2 storey building on the top right is the museum building.  The big building is now condos. I wish I had had more time. There were videos that showed how the machines work. They give you a remote so you can make them play as you go round.


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