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More Art Therapy and Felted Knitting

It was the 3rd week of the wet felting group at the well-being centre on Wednesday just gone.

We’re going to put small sample pieces together to make up a larger wall hanging, adding to it as we go along. For the first samples we decided on a red/orange/yellow colour scheme for the felt background, and everyone had a bag of similar embellishments with a strip of silk, strip of scrim, and some cotton gauze pieces, then one type of fibre in various colours for everyone to use how they liked. The slideshow has some of the finished pieces, though they are all still wet. Even though it was the 3rd week some of these pieces were made by people who hadn’t been to the other classes, so it was their first attempt.

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Shirley, who’s been every week brought back the piece she made last week. She really liked a batt I’d made with lots of tiny bits of odds, ends and scraps. She embellished the felt with sequins at home, this is it with some beads she’s adding trying to decide what to use:

I did get around to felting the two knitted samples I made. The piece I made with the hand blended and handspun yarn doesn’t look too much different, but it is duller and fluffier:

It did keep some texture:

This is a close up and link to what it looked like before:

The pencil roving knitted piece was much nicer and easier to felt. It grew quite a bit and flattened out quite a lot:

It was quite chunky before, this is after felting, looking over the surface:

It didn’t lose all its texture

And, a closer look:

It felted really neatly, but I’m not sure I’ll find a use for felted knitted pencil roving. The weird thing was, both pieces felt itchy afterwards too. I wet felted them both by hand, nit in a washer.

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