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Dyeing Some Silk and Some Farm Life.

I have a couple of ladies coming for a class in nuno felt at the end of the month so dyed a few pieces of silk to add to what I have so they have a nice variety to choose form. I am using the low water immersion method form Paula Burch’s site.  I made collages of the dyeing. You stuff the silk tightly into a jar and then add some dye. The pictures are the dye with the stir sticks so you can see the colours and then of the first dye poured over, then the second so you can see what it looks like. They have to sit for an hour then you add the sodium carbonate.

peach and fire red
pink and turquiose
emerald and black
Bright green and brazil nut

This is them hanging to dry.

And then dry. You can see that the colours are better when they are dry but I am still not happy with the emerald an black far right.

I also wanted to share some farm life, not sheep I am afraid. These are my chickens getting to look at their new outside pen and true to there name they are chicken to come out. With some time and coaxing they did make it outside.

We also got some new baby chickens and turkeys. They come in boxes delivered to the local farm Co-op. The boxes are divided into 4 inside so they don’t over crowd each other to much. There are 2 boxes of chicks and one of turkeys

These are the turkeys, they are about a week old and have started to get feathers.

These are the chickens, they are day olds. My son is taking them out of their box.

They are very cute little yellow fluff balls with legs when they arrive.

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