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nuno class and some great weaving.

Yesterday I taught a Nuno felt scarf class at the Ottawa Valley Weavers and Spinners Guild. this was my first class in our new space.

I still am not used to taking pictures of what  ma doing so all I have is a final class shot of the finished scarves. the two ladies on the right traded scarves for the picture because the didn’t show up against their clothing.


to make up for my forgetfulness I have some pictures from our last guild meeting where Inge Dam came to tell us about her weaving. she combines weaving on a loom with card weaving. Her work is beautiful. I have a few pictures but her website has much better pictures if you take a look. She also has an amazing book.

I hope to get some time to felt this week but I know I have to make tourtiere pies for the Kemptville Farmers’ Market Christmas sale on Saturday.

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