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OHS Conference

Here are some more pictures from the Ontario Handweavers and Spinners Conference.

It was a really nice venue with tons of good food and really nice rooms this is the courtyard where there where two magnolia trees in full bloom and a nice waterfall feature.

There were lots of things to buy in the vendor mall


There were some interesting classes.

This one was called Viking Knitting and I would have liked to take the class.

Unfortunately only 2 of my pictures of the displays turned out

the first is a cowl by  Mireille Gagnon Moes who got honorable mention.

the other one that turned out was this large felt leaf by Diane Gonthier. It was displayed laid out on the floor. I think about 5 feet long.

There was also a banquet with a fashion show and no of that turned out. it was dark and no one would stand still for a second to take the pictures. I was a failure as a photographer but I hope you like the pictures that did work.



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